Saturday, December 4, 2010

I love the weekend....

Hi again,

I did my show for my friend at her kid's school. It turned out well.

This what my table looked like...I had alot of variety and this was good. I did manage to sell a few things as well. It was a nice way to spend the morning. I also got a few leads on sewing "jobs/projects" for other people. I don't mind doing those either...we'll see what comes of it.

DS1/Girlfriend are almost moved out. They spend last night at their new apartment for the first time. I am very happy for's good to be on your own...I'm very sad for me but I will get over it...I can hardly wait for the little baby girl to come out and say hi....we are all waiting on her! :) Should be any day now....(hopefully).

For the rest of the weekend, I am probably going to clean a bit here at the house and then get some knitting done. I may even get to the gym again. It's been a while and I am really kinda missing it....we do still need to get lights up outside but that is out of my hands...

Poor Charlie had to go to the vet this morning. Turns out poor little guy as a UTI, Hopefully he will be feeling better soon and back to his old self....

That's about all for now...things to do , places to go, people to see ... ok not really, just gotta go let the dogs in.....

Debi :)

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