Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Beginnings

Well, today marks several new beginnings in my life. As I mentioned before, my eldest son, has just turned 18 and decided to move out on his own. This is all happening as we are getting ready to move across the country from California to Virginia. Well, it has happened. Yesterday, he moved his stuff out and today he came back to the house and said good bye. Talk about a tough moment. I tried hard not to cry but I did. There is a saying that goes,

"If you love something set it free
If it returns back to you it is yours
If is doesn't, it never was".

I hope he returns back to me eventually. I already miss him. I had him for 18 years. I know he has to move on, but I wasn't ready for that to happen just yet. Truthfully, are we, as moms, ever ready for the children to move on????

We finally finished our packing and cleaning of our house here in California. Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we leave for Virginia. It is exciting as well as heart breaking. I have made some good friends here in California, and will miss them terribily. I know we will all try to stay in touch. I look forward to our new life in Virginia. I have met several people through the internet from the area and am really excited to get there. My DH and I will have our first "real" home (purchased) together and we will begin again as we always do.

My baby, Princess, is doing ok. She has not shone any new symptoms since her diagnosis. We are hoping for a few more fabulous months with her. She is a special girl in my book.

Remember, tell the ones you care for how you feel, they need to know as much as you need to tell them. Take some time to smell the roses and see the view...don't keep rushing all the time. Life is fast, slow it down once in a while.

Take care.
Debi :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Updates and such

Hey everyone!!

Just wanted to let you in some updates on progress and such. Things here in my house, have been a bit up in arms as of late. My whole house is in upheaval. We are in the home stretch of packing due to the trailer coming tomorrow. Rah. Today is a marathon day. We are on break now for dinner and such, but soon, will be back to work. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the moving process?? Oh well.

My DS1 graduated on Thursday, 6/12. I am very proud. This is the first of five. Seems so unreal at times.

Here I am with him after the graduation. Such a proud momma!!!

Here is is with his girlfriend. She is such a cutie!! :)

Yesterday was World Wide Knit in Public Day! (Yes, It is a real thing!). One of the groups I am in had a scavenger hunt. Talk about a good time. I put my sock in so many situations and had to ask total strangers to hold my sock. No one said no and all thought I was bit off my rocker, but anyone who knows me, will attest to that. Here are some of the things that I did yesterday....

Here I am outside the Charles Schulz museum and my sock has just met Snoopy and Woodstock.

This is Pam Stalker, she is a cartoonist who was at the museum yesterday and has done such things as Strawberry shortcake and Reader Rabbit...what a nice person to hold my sock. :)

I took my sock to a local yarn store, where it got to pose with an Alpaca!! Ok, so it's not real, but my sock does not know that!! :)

Finally, this is the young man at the drive thru window at McDonalds. Yes, we even had him hold the sock, needless to say, he was bit surprised but a good sport just the same!! :)I mean, who wouldn't want to hold such a beautiful sock???

My house is also sad. My beautiful 9 year old Sheltie, Princess, has been diagnosed with nasal carcinoma. It is very rapidly moving and spreading quickly. She has not been given much time. My heart is so heavy, but I know that she will be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge when it is my time to pass. I love my dog and am grateful for the time we have left.

Here she is before her diagnosis, I want to remember her as the beautiful girl she is...

Well, that about it for now. We start loading the trailer tomorrow. Please remember to cherish those you love, you never know when they will leave you.

Hugs to all,
Debi :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I have been interviewed!

I was interviewed by 5 minutes for mom a while back and it has been posted.check it out!

Debi :)