Monday, November 19, 2007

A week before Thanksgiving....

Hi again,

Well it's a few days before Thanksgiving and all through the house, not a creature was stiring not even a mouse, mainly because all my kitties love to play with the mice....

Well the fundraiser was a GREAT success!! I sold 19 out of 24 bags and was able to give the school about 50.00!!!! Not too bad! Then I went and did a show at a local hall and didn't do as well. Oh well. This is the last show I am planning for a bit. I have a few other things to work on.

I finally got to start my holiday shopping yesterday! I love this time of just can't be in a bad mood with Christmas! It is too much fun!

My knitting projects are moving right along. I am down to 3 sets done and 3 sets to go...making progress!! Progress is good!!

We found out last week that there is a fairly good chance that our family will be moving soon due to my dh's relocation of job! Hummm back to the East Coast?? OH can always be worse!!

Well, must get moving. Laundry to do, kids to get, work to until next time.

Debi :)

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